Who can Purchase
Hospitals, educational institutions and consortia, fire rescue and EMS departments, ambulance companies, and health departments that are interested in implementing an in-house training program for ASLS® may purchase a curriculum package and course materials and establish themselves as ASLS® Training Centers (TCs). Foundations, professional associations, and other grant-funding organizations may underwrite the costs of a curriculum package and materials for an eligible training center.
The curriculum package includes:
- CD with ready-to-use course slides
- Easy to navigate
- Divided by chapter, corresponding with provider manual
- Embedded with videos
- CD with interactive review game, "Who Wants to Be a Strokologist?"
- Engaging and participatory
- Highlights educational key points
- CD with electronic files
- Pre-and posttest
- MEND exam checklist
- Instructions for "Who Wants to be a Strokologist?"
- Laminated posters (4) for practical skills stations.

Versions of ASLS® - For different audiences
Designed as a multi-disciplinary curriculum, ASLS® can be taught to a class of all prehospital providers, in-hospital personnel only, or, using breakout sessions in the afternoon, to a combined group. The curriculum package and manuals (provider and instructor) are available in two versions:
- Prehospital (only)
- Hospital & Prehospital (above contents plus hospital component).
The MEND exam checklist is different for prehospital and in-hospital providers, so there are distinct versions of:
- Posters
- Pocket Guides.
Materials for Learners
The learner manual and pocket guide are purchased together as a provider package and are priced by the version (prehospital only or hospital and prehospital). Orders are discounted according to quantity. Additional pocket guides are available in sets of 10 or 50 for those opting to utilize a classroom set of books.
ASLS® Card
Registered training centers print camera-ready combined course completion cards and certificates for the providers who successfully complete their courses, on plain paper stock, after securely submitting class and learner data via the Internet. The unique number on each certificate and wallet card, generated by the Gordon Center database, links the learner, TC, and class and provides the means for verifying the authenticity of the documents.