Medical Education

Our mission is to provide Standardized Patient experiences to healthcare learners through feedback and evaluation. We engage learners to have empathy and equip them with the tools to provide a standard of care to our diverse community.
What are Standardized Patients (SP)
SPs are people acting as patients in simulated scenarios for medical learners to practice.
Who we work with
We work with a variety of departments and programs to help an array of medical learners, such as: medical students, firefighters, EMTs, nurses, physical therapists, and more.
Who We Look For
Students, retirees, actors – no prior acting experience required!
Other requirements include
- Flexibility and reliability with scheduling and assignments.
- Comfortable with using Zoom, Microsoft Word, Outlook, Teams – or is open to learning.
- Ability to memorize information and scripts.
- Ability to act out ailments and emotions.
- Receptive to constructive feedback for quality assurance.
Standardized Patients (SPs) are trained to accurately and consistently recreate the history, personality, physical findings, emotions, and responses of actual patients in simulated clinical encounters. SPs are interviewed and examined by healthcare learners and are also trained to present effective feedback to learners in a safe, controlled environment. The Gordon Center’s Standardized Patient (SP) Program manages all SP participation in educational and/or assessment activities for the Gordon Center. The SP Program administers all training, scheduling, case materials, etc. for the performance of a SP including, but not limited to, participation in lectures, student sessions, and exams.

The University of Miami Miller School of Medicine is recruiting SPs in the training and evaluation of healthcare professionals, including medical, nursing, prehospital, public health, and social work trainees. As a SP, you may be audio or video-recorded during simulated encounters for quality assurance and training purposes only. No prior acting experience is necessary.
Candidates must demonstrate flexibility and reliability with scheduling and assignments, as this a part-time paid position.
Samantha Syms, MS, CHSE
Director, Standardized Patient Program
Faculty Development
Improving Simulation Instructional Methods (iSIM) for Simulation Educators
Guided learning through practical experience
This program is a collaborative effort of the Gordon Center for Simulation and Innovation in Medical Education (GCSIME) at the University of Miami and the Peter M. Winter Institute for Simulation, Education and Research (WISER) at the University of Pittsburgh. It is designed as an introduction to fundamental skills and abilities for delivering simulation-based healthcare education through a variety of techniques and technologies. The program emphasizes hands-on activities and active participation to maximize simulation-based instruction skill acquisition. The program is open to all medical professionals who are interested in improving their simulation-based instructional skills and is targeted at those with a background in healthcare education.
At the conclusion of the course, participants will be able to:
- Review and discuss methods of simulation, simulation technologies and simulation enviroments
- Identify and incorporate evidence-based features that lead to effective simulation-based learning
- Review basic design and development elements for constructing a simulation scenario activity
- Identify simulation enviroment design requirements elements as they relate to required fidelity and equipment for simulation activities
- Identify the elements necessary to use simulation for assessment and debriefing
- Review debriefing methods for team training simulation activities
- Implement fundamental strategies for debriefing healthcare teams
For more information fill the iSim information form
About Our
Barry Issenberg, MD, MPH, FACEP, FSSH
Professor of Medicine
Director, Gordon Center for Simulation and Innovation in Medical Education (GCSIME) Assistant Dean,
Research in Medical Education Director,
Division of Research and Technology University of Miami
Jeffrey Groom, PhD, CRNA, FSSH
Director of Clinical and Associate Dean
Simulation Programs and the International Academy for Clinical Simulation and Research
University of Miami School of Nursing & Health Studies
Ross J. Scalese, MD, FACP, FSSH
Professor of Medicine
Assistant Director, Division of Research and Technology Gordon Center for Simulation and Innovation in Medical Education
Ivette Motola, MD, MPH, FACEP, FSSH
Professor of Emergency Medicine
Assistant Director of the Gordon Center for Simulation and Innovation in Medical Education, and Director of the Prehospital and Emergency Healthcare Division (PEH) at the Gordon Center.