Essential Electrocadiography I - Normal ECG
A UMedic e-learning introducton to the normal electrocardiogram
- Conduction system
- Grid measurements
- Complex components
- Patient history
- Standardization
- Measuring rate
- Sinus rhythm
- Measuring intervals
- Determination axis
- Morphology of complexes
- Principles of interpretation
- Pediatric ECG

Essential Electrocadiography II - ECG Patterns
A UMedic case-based e-learning program on interpreting the most important ECG patterns
- Normal ECG
- Early repolariation
- Limb lead reversal
- Acute and evolving pericarditis
- Left and right bundle branch block
- Left and right ventricular hypertrophy
- Myocardial ischemia
- Myocardial infarction
- Hyperkalemia and hypokalemia
- Wolff-Parkinson-White pattern

Essential Electrocadiography III - Arrhythmias
A UMedic case-based e-learning program on interpreting the most important arrhythmias
- Normal rhythms
- Premature complexes
- Bradyarrhythmias
- Supraventricular tachycardias
- Ventricular tachycardias

6 hours of continuing education credit
ECG Modules
- Accesible via any internet browser
- Teaches orderly approach to interpretation
- Developed by multicenter consortium
- Incorporates latest curricular design
- Interactive and engaging
- Trains students, residents, physcians, physician assistants, nurses and nurse practitioners
- Saves faculty time
Online Training and Education Courses
The Center hosts medical training and education for medical students, paramedic/firefighters, other first responders, physicians, physician assistants, nurses, and instructors. Many of our courses are FREE, or free for Florida Personnel.

Mass Casualty Emergency Triage
Describe the principles of triage and when you should perform triage. List and describe the START and JumpSTART systems for casualty triage.

Emergency Response to Terrorism
Provides practical instruction benefcial for all frst responders when dealing with a terrorist incident. Developed by subject matter experts in terrorism response.

Management of Pediatric Trauma
Addresses how to manage pediatric trauma, the leading cause of death and disability in children over the age of one in the U.S.

Survive the Ride
Addresses how to manage motorcycle collisions, which account for a disproportionate burden of vehicle fatalities in the U.S.

Cardiology Elective
This class is only offered to medical students.

Essential ECG
A UMedic, case-based, e-learning program on the normal electrocardiogram, ECG patterns and interpreting the most important arrhythmias.

Personal Protective Equipment
Learn about Level C PPE with an emphasis on proper donning and doffing.